Accommodation in Lleida, Catalonia Spain deals 2024
(176 offers, 74.2EUR - 1183EUR)

About LleidaDetails and images of Lleida


Lleida is the largest city in western Catalonia. It lies halfway between Barcelona and Zaragoza on the River Segre.

The city has hosted many cultures over the centuries. On a hill in the center of town, the most prominent building is the Seu Vella cathedral, symbol of the city.

Lleida was founded by Iberian becoming Romanian settlement in the second century BC. During the Roman civil war here met the armies of Caesar and Pompey. Between 713 and 1117 the city was under Moorish driving, then in 1149 was taken by Ramon Berenguer IV. In the following centuries suffered repeated damage in various wars.

Recommendations for travel Lleida

Seu Vella
Seu Nova