Accommodation in Merida, Extremadura Spain deals 2024
(148 offers, 74.2EUR - 784EUR)

About MeridaDetails and images of Merida


Located in the autonomous community of Estremadura, in the province of Badajoz, Merida city is evidence of a past historical novel fabulous.

Theatre, the Amphitheatre and the temple dedicated to the goddess Diana, who is still in this city are the former capital of Roman Lusitania one of the best preserved archaeological sites in Spain. Moreover, it is inscribed in UNESCO World Heritage.

Merida was the greatest ancient Roman city of the Iberian Peninsula and today occupies a leading position in the top of the key objectives of Spain.

Beyond the infernal heat approaching 40 degrees Celsius during the summer - and that is an impediment in the way of comfort - you'll have plenty of reasons to stay even a few hours.

Recommendations for travel Merida

You can visit: Romanian National Art Museum in Merida, Arco de Trajano, the Alcazaba, l'Acueducto "de los Milagros" temple of the goddess Diana, and the Church of Santa Maria Arciprestal.