Accommodation in Santiago De Compostella, Galicia Spain deals 2024
(475 offers, 74.2EUR - 1000EUR)

About Santiago De CompostellaDetails and images of Santiago De Compostella

Santiago De Compostella

Santiago de Compostela is located about 35 km from the Atlantic coast and 74 km south of the city of La Coruña, and is the terminus of the famous medieval pilgrimage route Camino de Santiago - Way of Jacob. It is the historical capital of the Spanish province of Galicia, and the name represents the name of the Spanish town of St. James the Apostle.

Santiago de Compostela name was taken from the holy city was considered as the resting place of the apostles of the elder brother of Saint John the Apostle.

Traditionally the name "Compostela" says its origin from the Latin word "campus stellae" meaning "fields of stars" and leading on to translate the whole name "Santiago de Compostela" by St.

Recommendations for travel Santiago De Compostella

Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, Quintana Market, Market city hall - the Abastos Leeks, Azabachería Market, Market Silversmith - the Praterías Leeks, Paseo de la Herradura, Alameda Park, Palace Xelmírez - Gelmírez Palace Raxó - Rajoy, and Treezoreria Cathedral Museum, Museum Santa María de Sar.