Centers of interest are market and España Santo Domingo, in the latter being the mayor and the building dating from 1738, along with nineteenth-century clock tower. Another important building in the historic center is the cathedral in Romanian style -
Gothic, which was built in XII century and ended almost a century later - why neoclassical facade.
In times past, do Campo Square arcade are the Roman Forum and medieval market, but today there are more ideal for shopping streets. In the nearby church of San Pedro is a beautiful example of medieval architecture and regional headquarters Museum. Cobbled streets
and Rúa Nova Cruz and adjacent alleys, is a great route with bars and taverns that are served "tapas" taste - the famous Spanish appetizers that are served with the sip of drink. Other specific examples of culinary delights are "Lacon con heavy" - pork culegume
"tetilla" with cheese and a variety of seafood and fish.