About Albacete - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Albacete province Albacete is the capital of the autonomous community of Castile-La Mancha in Spain. In 2005, the population was about 161,508 inhabitants.
Albacete city was never even considered a city with an industrial tradition, the city's industrial area, known as "Polígono Campollano" was recently extended. Albacete is known as a tourist destination, but its attractions include the cathedral and the Museum of Albacete. During the Spanish Civil War, the city of Albacete was headquarters and training camp of the International Brigades.
The earliest information of this province remember that in 1269 the city of Albacete was just a small village. Before that it was a small Moorish village. Despite its lack of tourists, many people still opt to visit the city of Albacete. This is because many tourists are curious about the "miracles" such as Museo city of Albacete and the new cathedral. Catholic religious conservatism and loyalty of the country Spanish is very obvious and practical in the city and province, as anywhere in the country.
Albacete | Albacete province Albacete is the capital of the autonomous community of Castile-La Mancha in Spain. In 2005, the population was about 161,508 inhabitants.
Albacete city was never even considered a city with an industrial tradition, the city's industrial area, known as "Polígono Campollano" was recently extended
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