About Barcelona Airport - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Barcelona recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (55 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Barcelona Airport, Costa Brava
Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, an autonomous community in northeastern Spain. It is also the second largest city in Spain after Madrid. Barcelona is located on the Mediterranean coast, 160 km south of the Pyrenees mountain range, which is the border with France. The city's population is approximately 1.6 million and a metropolitan area of about 3 million.
Legend attributes the foundation of the city Barcino Carthaginians, especially his Hamilcar Barca, Hannibal's father. later, the Romans turned the town into a castrum (a Roman military base) centered on the Mons Taber, a small hill near the site of today's city hall (Plaça de Sant Jaume). This organization is still visible today on the map fragments remaining from the historic center by Roman walls. Important Roman remains are exposed under the Plaça del Rei, entrance to the city museum, Museu d'Historia at Ciutat. The fortress was conquered by the Visigoths in the fifth century by the Moors in the Eighth century, reconquered in 801 by the Frankish kings, and sacked by Al-Mansur in 985. During the Spanish Civil War Barcelona was a refuge for the anarchist cause, but surrendered to the forces of General Franco in 1939. In 1970, again revived Barcelona, becoming the thriving city today, one of the most cherished cities in Spain and Europe.
Since 1997 Barcelona is divided into 10 administrative districts, each of which avâd own board. Administrative divisions are largely based on historical divisions such as towns since the eighteenth century Barcelona attached maintain a distinct character and its own administration. These districts are sometimes known by the number assigned to each. In each district are informally designated districts total about 70.
Barcelona offers a unique opportunity for tourists to walk from Roman remains to the medieval city and modern city with boulevards to his left wide open and all intersections of uniquely cut corners buildings. The historic city center is almost flat, while the modern city extends to the surrounding hills, with streets, growing in altitude, the San Francisco remember.
A notable feature is Les Rambles, a series of boulevards that goes from downtown to the water front, full of people until late at night, with florists, bird sellers, street performers, cafes and restaurants. Going up or down Les Rambles can see the prestigious El Liceu opera, La Boqueria food market and Plaça Reial Square, with its springs and palm trees, among other interesting buildings. La Rambla ends in the old port, where a statue of Christopher Columbus pointing to the sea. Nearby is the Maritime Museum (Maritime Museum) showing the life history of the Mediterranean. The museum building is the former shipyard, where ships were built sailing the Mediterranean. Old Port offers various splendors, including the largest aquarium in the Mediterranean.
Remarkable is the legacy of architect Antoni Gaudí in the city, who lived and worked in Barcelona, which has left famous works like the Palau Güell, Park Güell and the immense but still unfinished Sagrada Familia church, which is under construction since 1882 and is funded public money as the cathedrals of the Middle Ages. It is expected to be completed by 2020.
In the modern districts of the city are several avenues by which international companies are stores of clothing, jewelry, leather goods and more. The most elegant avenue is the Passeig de Gràcia, where the two clădeiri of Antoni Gaudí's Casa Milà (La Pedrera) and Casa Batlló.
For spectacular views of the city and coastline are two hills. One, Montjuïc hill, is next to the port. On its top is an old fortress which oversee entry to the port earlier. Around the hill are the Olympic Stadium and Sport Palace, made by Japanese architect Isozaki Show, as well as the Botanical Gardens. On the outskirts of the city is Tibidabo hill, with more than 500 feet high, with an amusement park on top.
Barcelona Airport | Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, an autonomous community in northeastern Spain. It is also the second largest city in Spain after Madrid. Barcelona is located on the Mediterranean coast, 160 km south of the Pyrenees mountain range, which is the border
with France
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