About Benalmadena - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Benalmadena recieved a rating of 4.9 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (8 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Benalmadena, Costa Del Sol
Benalmadena town lies at the foot of the Mijas mountains to the coast Soerra, in steps, offering a great view.
Because it is situated on a hill overlooking the sea inhabitants. The bulk of the population lives in Arroyo de la Miel.
On the shores of the coast is a strange building, of Bil-Bil Castle, built in 1934 in neo-Arab style and is used by the city council for exhibitions and cultural events.
Benalmadena is made up of three parts - Benalmadena Pueblo, Arroyo de la Miel and Benalmadena Costa.
The most interesting part is Benalmadena Costa, with its long beaches, a lively nightlife and delicious gourmet offerings. Here there is Puerto Marina, an outdoor shopping mall, marina and a complex of buildings located on the surface.
Benalmadena Pueblo, the oldest part of town, is a typical Andalusian village with whitewashed houses and narrow streets. Given the height at which the city is located (about 300 meters) and its proximity to the sea, Benalmadena offers a stunning view on the Costa del Sol resort.
Arroyo de la Miel is the economic center of the city.
Currently, Benalmadena is one of the main tourist destinations on the Costa del Sol, famous for its recreational facilities, especially because of the amusement park, the two aquariums, casinos, but also because here was one of the largest Andalusian ports.
The climate is typically Mediterranean, with mild temperatures all year round and an average of 19 degrees centigrade.
Benalmadena | Benalmadena town lies at the foot of the Mijas mountains to the coast Soerra, in steps, offering a great view.
Because it is situated on a hill overlooking the sea inhabitants. The bulk of the population lives in Arroyo de la Miel
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