About Bilbao - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Bilbao, Bilbo called in Basque, is the sixth largest city in Spain, the most impressive main port and industrial center north of the country.
Located Nervion River, 14 km from the seashore, Bilbao is the most important city in the Basque Country region.
After a period of economic decline, Bilbao has invested in tourism, urban renewal and cultural jewel again becoming the Basque region.
Miracles of modern architecture such as the Guggenheim Museum and attract thousands of tourists Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao, contrasting sharply with the "Casco Viejo" - the historic, dating from the fourteenth century.
This old part of town is on the right side of the river, between the Puente de San Antón and San Nicolás Church and is linked to the new city - Ensanche - by five bridges.
The historic center is focused around seven streets - "Siete Calles" Somer, Artecalle, tender, Belosticalle, Carnicer Vieja, and Barrencalle Barrencalle Barena.
Bilbao continued to renew urban metro system around a new Guggenheim Museum Bilbao and the opening.
A new style tram EuskoTran was introduced in 2002. The efforts to renew and modernize the city, Bilbao is now one of the most modern cities in the South. The process continues, so it is unique in building a tower planned by Cesar Pelli, who will serve as headquarters for the Basque regional government.
Visitors from around the world enjoy the cultural richness, and gastronomy of the city of Bilbao.
Basque cuisine is one of the most popular in Spain, and the city boasts some of the best restaurants.
Bilbao | Bilbao, Bilbo called in Basque, is the sixth largest city in Spain, the most impressive main port and industrial center north of the country.
Located Nervion River, 14 km from the seashore, Bilbao is the most important city in the Basque Country region
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