About Ca N Pastilla - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Can Pastilla recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Ca N Pastilla, Mallorca
Ca Pastilla is located in south-eastern island of Majorca, near Son Sant Juan airport. This is one of the first resorts discovered by British tourism beginning in the 1960s.
Ca n Pastilla consists of a main street and hundreds of little side streets. There is a picturesque port and the Club Marítimo San Antonio de la Playa on the edge of the bay. Restaurants and bars are located along the promenade and the side-streets.
Beaches stretch to Ca n Pastilla Playa de Palma and Arenal. There is a train to travel between these three resorts.
Ca n Pastilla beaches are characterized by "Balnearios" - tiny huts equipped with toilet, shower and a soft drinks bar.
In the region as a pill and Arenal is located in a large hotel on the island, even more, here is the largest concentration of hotels across the Mediterranean coast.
Here are virtually no habitable houses and across the busy resort of hotels, apartments, bars, restaurants, discos, shops and shopping centers, rent-a-car companies, travel agencies and sports buildings, as well as tennis courts, centers scuba-diving. etc..
Here is located and a large water park and nearby are several golf courses.
C'an Pastilla holiday season begins in April and ends in late October. Temperature ranges vary between 20-38 degrees.
Ca N Pastilla | Ca Pastilla is located in south-eastern island of Majorca, near Son Sant Juan airport. This is one of the first resorts discovered by British tourism beginning in the 1960s.
Ca n Pastilla consists of a main street and hundreds of little side streets
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