About Ca N Picafort - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Ca N Picafort recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Ca N Picafort, Mallorca
Ca N Picafort is located 60 km north-east of Palma, Alcudia Bay in the east, north coast of Mallorca.
This holiday town was originally a small fishing village, now the port city is the main source of income for the locals.
Ca N Picafort is a resort for people who want to relax.
It It has a fine sandy beaches that Puerto Alcudia and Playa de Mura nearby.
Ca N Picafort Albufera Park is a treasure for nature lovers. Here are returning migratory birds each year from all over Europe. The entire park is open to visitors and is very easy to navigate the alleys because of its present indicators. Impressed with the scenery here, most visitors do not realize the true size of the park which covers an area of 2580 ha on an area of almost 32 km.
You can relax in one of the many bars enjoying a variety of fruit cocktails and inviting restaurants that await you with many varieties of Spanish.
Ca N Picafort | Ca N Picafort is located 60 km north-east of Palma, Alcudia Bay in the east, north coast of Mallorca.
This holiday town was originally a small fishing village, now the port city is the main source of income for the locals
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