About Cabo De Gata - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
It has an extension of 34,000 has, which is to add a marine strip a mile in width (12,000 has).
Cabo de Gata is the dead ground marine-terrestrial surface most ecological relevance of all European Western Mediterranean.
Cabo de Gata addition has other categories of protected areas:
Special Protection Area for Birds [SPA (1989)] wetland of international importance [Ramsar (1989) Salinas del Cabo de Gata] Biosphere Reserve (1997) Special Protection Area Mediterranean Importance [SPAMI (2001)].
Cabo De Gata | Cabo de Gata Natural Park is the first marine terrestrial Natural Park in Andalusia.
Cabo de Gata Nijar bands is one of great beauty and rich coastal eco western Mediterranean.
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