About Calella - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Calella recieved a rating of 4.4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (18 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Calella, Costa Brava
Calella is located in the region of Catalonia on the Costa Maresme, which is regarded as part of the Costa Brava. This modern city is located 50 km from Barcelona, work it and the 3 km from the beach making the tourist capital of the Costa Maresme Calella.
Sometimes it happens to be confused with Calella Palafrugalis, which is located 60km to the east along the coast. Calella has many modern hotels that offer the best conditions.
Local governments and commercial organizations have made great efforts to attract international tourists here. Beaches 50.000m pa totals, so it's never too crowded and the workers were careful to maintain in full cleaning. Entertainment on the Esplanade is well maintained beach - beach games, organized activities for children, water sports, dancing and partying.
In the old part of Calella there are many old buildings and narrow streets Dalmau natural park with bars and restaurants serving Catalan specialties. Every month of the year parties inspire city with processions, parades, music and dancing.
In summer months, every Sunday, Sardana is danced on the beach. Locals give their hand in this dance that Catalan was banned during Franco's regime. This dance symbolizes the brotherhood and unity of the Catalans. In mid September there is the biggest festival - La Minerva.
Calella | Calella is located in the region of Catalonia on the Costa Maresme, which is regarded as part of the Costa Brava. This modern city is located 50 km from Barcelona, work it and the 3 km from the beach making the tourist capital of the Costa Maresme Calella
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