About Cartagena - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Cartagena is a Mediterranean city and naval station located in the Region of Murcia, southeastern Spain. As of 2009, it has a population of 211,996, making it the second largest city in the Region, the 6th among the non-province capitals of Spain, and the 24th overall.
The Old Town is limited by five small hills (Molinete, Monte Sacro, Monte de San José, Despeñaperros and Monte de la Concepción) following the example of Rome. In the past there was an inner sea between the hills called the Estero that eventually dried up.
The urban area is delimited or crossed by several watercourses, some of which go deep into the urban network during great part of their courses.
Thanks to its strategic position on the Mediterranean, Cartagena has been inhabited by many different cultures which have left their mark on its rich cultural heritage during a glorious and turbulent history. The “Cartagena, Port of Cultures” initiative was created to allow visitors to enjoy a wide range of activities and visits, discovering the cultural wealth and rich history of the city. It’s one of the several projects to energize the tourist possibilities of this potential major cultural destination, frequently overshadowed by the mass-tourism due to the proximity of several holiday resorts, and the refinery and the industrial development which yielded a bad reputation to the city because of pollution, now fortunately eradicated.
Cartagena | Cartagena is a Mediterranean city and naval station located in the Region of Murcia, southeastern Spain. As of 2009, it has a population of 211,996, making it the second largest city in the Region, the 6th among the non-province capitals of Spain, and
the 24th overall
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