About Castelldefels - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
It is located about 20 km (12 mi) southwest of Barcelona, just north Massis del Garraf and is the last city on the coast before the comarca of Garraf. The city is famous for its beach long time (more than 5 km), to be the place of residence of many famous athletes and for the city that inspired the creation of the character "El Neng the Castefa" that used to appear on the late night show called "BFN" hosted by showman and presenter Andreu Buenafuente.
In summer, many people in the country are visiting Barcelona. Nearby towns include Gava Viladecans, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Sitges and El Prat de Llobregat. Bordering the Mediterranean coast between Castelldefels and Gavà Sitges.
Castelldefels | Spain Castelldefels is a village in the province of Barcelona in Catalonia community. Castelldefels has an area of 13 km2. In 2006 it had a population of 58.633 inhabitants.
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