About Cordoba - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Cordoba, the most important city in Andalusia after Seville, lies at the foot of the Sierra de Cordoba, a field that slides easily into the river Guadalquivir.
Cordoba is an important landmark of European culture, a blend of various cultures that have settled here throughout history. The town was declared a World Heritage Site.
The historic center of town is a cluster of streets, alleys, squares and buildings painted, placed around the cathedral - Mosque. Few places in the world can boast that were subsequently Hispaniei capital during the Umayyad Caliphate and the capital of the Roman Empire. Vremurilot past splendor is reflected in the intellectual richness of this cultural center, Cordoba giving birth to figures such as Seneca, Averroes and Maimonides.
Without neglecting the past, Cordoba is a modern city that has adapted to this and demands of tourism. The city is synonymous with art and culture, due to numerous cultural events are organized here during the year - flamenco festivals, concerts, ballet and other activities to complement the museum and the animated nightlife.
Cordoba | Cordoba, the most important city in Andalusia after Seville, lies at the foot of the Sierra de Cordoba, a field that slides easily into the river Guadalquivir.
Cordoba is an important landmark of European culture, a blend of various cultures that have settled here throughout history
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