About Costa Adeje - presentation, information, photos and recommendations

Costa Adeje recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (26 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island

So why was the decision to "re-brand" the well-established part of the coast of Tenerife? Well, in simple terms, for most people very mention of Playa de las Americas conjures up images of neon lit all night bars, and the worst excesses of the 18-30 crowd very media are so keen to promote. Certainly not the place that would attract either families or couples middle age, which for Tenerife is increasingly target market.

Ask any tour operator or travel agent, what is the difference between Costa Adeje and Playa de las Americas, and if they are sincere, they are likely to smile and respond "on £ 200 per week" not indirectly reflect that the newest development, Costa Adeje has a much higher 5-star hotels somewhat older than Playa de las Americas.

Making the transfer from Reina Sofia International Airport, some 25 km to the east, is the most visitors to the resort pretty painless once you have collected your luggage customs cleared that.

Tenerife Highway main TF-1, will close walking distance of the center, and normally should take no more than around 30-40 minutes to complete the journey.

That said, for those visitors who choose to pay the extra cost for a transfer coach tour operators, although after 40 minutes, will definitely "somewhere" in each Playa de las Americas or Costa Adeje, during the final transfer can be anywhere in the region of an hour before actually arriving at your chosen accommodation.

For most people visiting Costa Adeje for the first time, this tour unscheduled on the south-west is not really a problem because they provide an early opportunity to get bearings them, together with a general feeling that the what the area has to offer visitors.

Costa Adeje | Destination resort of Costa Adeje is for all intents and purposes, the Playa de las Americas area running west of Veronicas by Puerto Colon, Torviscas, Fanabe, Playa del Duque, and then finally on to La Caleta

Information source 

Top hotels in Costa Adeje

Roca Nivaria Gran Hotel, Costa Adeje

Roca Nivaria Gran Hotel  

   Score 9.7/10 out of 3 reviews

Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

  • All Inclusive  
  • Airplane (11/14 - 01/11/2026)
  • No transport provided
Hovima Jardin Caleta, Costa Adeje

Hovima Jardin Caleta

   Score 9.1/10 out of 2 reviews

Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
  • Airplane (11/14 - 03/20/2026)
  • No transport provided
Malibu Park, Costa Adeje

Malibu Park

Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

  • Hotel with children playground  
  • Airplane (04/18 - 09/30/2025)
  • No transport provided
Paradise Court, Costa Adeje

Paradise Court

Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

  • Hotel with wi-fi Internet  
  • Airplane (09/23 - 10/14/2025)
  • No transport provided
Club Marazul, Costa Adeje

Club Marazul

Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

    • Airplane (03/26 - 03/25/2026)
    • No transport provided
    Yucca Villas, Costa Adeje

    Yucca Villas

    Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

      • Airplane (06/01 - 09/28/2025)
      • No transport provided
      Apartamentos El Beril Costa Adeje, Costa Adeje

      Apartamentos El Beril Costa Adeje

      Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

        • Airplane (06/01 - 09/28/2025)
        • No transport provided
        Residence Marazul Del Sur, Costa Adeje

        Residence Marazul Del Sur

        Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

          • Airplane (03/12 - 03/11/2026)
          • No transport provided
          Aparthotel Neptuno Adeje, Costa Adeje

          Aparthotel Neptuno Adeje

          Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

          • Hotel with children playground  
          • Airplane (03/24 - 03/23/2026)
          • No transport provided
          Duque Nest Hostel, Costa Adeje

          Duque Nest Hostel

          Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

            • Airplane (04/18 - 01/04/2026)
            • No transport provided
            Garden City, Costa Adeje

            Garden City

            Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

              • Airplane (04/18 - 01/04/2026)
              • No transport provided
              Paraiso Del Sol Apts., Costa Adeje

              Paraiso Del Sol Apts.

              Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

                • Airplane (03/23 - 03/22/2026)
                • No transport provided
                Adeje Park, Costa Adeje

                Adeje Park

                Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

                  • Airplane (03/15 - 03/14/2026)
                  • No transport provided
                  Iberostar Selection Sábila - Adults Only, Costa Adeje

                  Iberostar Selection Sábila - Adults Only

                  Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

                  • All Inclusive  
                  • Airplane (01/13 - 01/12/2026)
                  • No transport provided
                  Apartamentos Malibú, Costa Adeje

                  Apartamentos Malibú

                  Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

                    • Airplane (02/03 - 10/13/2025)
                    • No transport provided
                    Albatros Apts., Costa Adeje

                    Albatros Apts.  

                    Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

                    • Hotel near beach  
                    • Airplane (03/19 - 03/18/2026)
                    • No transport provided
                    Orlando, Costa Adeje


                    Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

                      • Airplane (04/18 - 01/04/2026)
                      • No transport provided
                      Labranda Suites Costa Adeje, Costa Adeje

                      Labranda Suites Costa Adeje  

                      Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

                      • Hotel with children playground  
                      • Airplane (11/14 - 01/12/2026)
                      • No transport provided
                      Tivoli La Caleta Tenerife Resort. - Ex Hotel Sheraton La Caleta Resort Spa, Costa Adeje

                      Tivoli La Caleta Tenerife Resort. - Ex Hotel Sheraton La Caleta Resort Spa  

                         Score 9.6/10 out of 2 reviews

                      Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

                      • Hotel with children playground  
                      • Airplane (11/14 - 03/20/2026)
                      • No transport provided

                        Last booking: 01/03/2025

                      Gf Fañabe, Costa Adeje

                      Gf Fañabe  

                         Score 9.3/10 out of 5 reviews

                      Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

                      • Hotel with outdoor pool  
                      • Airplane (02/14 - 09/24/2025)
                      • No transport provided
                      Hotel Laguna Park I, Costa Adeje

                      Hotel Laguna Park I

                      Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

                      • Hotel family hotels  
                      • Airplane (02/03 - 01/04/2026)
                      • No transport provided

                        Last booking: 02/23/2025

                      Iberostar Waves Bouganville Playa, Costa Adeje

                      Iberostar Waves Bouganville Playa  

                         Score 8.1/10 out of 2 reviews

                      Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

                      • Hotel on the beach  
                      • Airplane (11/14 - 01/11/2026)
                      • No transport provided
                      Hotel Jardines De Nivaria, Costa Adeje

                      Hotel Jardines De Nivaria  

                      Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

                      • Hotel with outdoor pool  
                      • Airplane (11/14 - 01/12/2026)
                      • No transport provided
                      Hotel Jardin Tropical, Costa Adeje

                      Hotel Jardin Tropical

                         Score 9.9/10 out of 1 reviews

                      Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

                      • Hotel Luxury  
                      • Airplane (11/14 - 01/12/2026)
                      • No transport provided
                      Hotel Iberostar Selection Sabila - Adults Only 16 Ex. Iberostar Torviscas Playa, Costa Adeje

                      Hotel Iberostar Selection Sabila - Adults Only 16 Ex. Iberostar Torviscas Playa  

                         Score 10/10 out of 1 reviews

                      Costa Adeje, Tenerife Island, Spain

                      • Hotel with outdoor pool  
                      • Airplane (11/14 - 01/11/2026)
                      • No transport provided

                      Map of hotels Costa Adeje

                      Travel map Costa Adeje

                      You can move the points of departure or destination with mouse. You can add intermediate points by entering the cities separated by commas. You can adjust the route by dragging with the mouse the points on blue line.


                      The map and route instructions above are automatically generated and are not verified. Please consult a road map and check road conditions before you begin the journey.
                      Direct Booking is not responsible for the accuracy of the information above and is not responsible for any inconvenience caused by them.

                      Clients remarks about Costa Adeje


                      MIRELA, couple 02/04/2025DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      Zona La Caleta este o destinatie frecventata majoritar de persoane 50+ .


                      Dragos M, family with children 08/26/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      Zona plajei Fanabe este una foarte vioaie. Multe restaurante, magazine, baruri….


                      Cosmin, family with children 06/29/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      adeje este un oraș care iți oferă foarte multe activități pentru orice categorii de varstă. Ca si aglomerație se aseamănă cu Mamaia.


                      Adrian, couple 06/01/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                      Purice, 05/09/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                      Marina, family with children 05/07/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      toată insula este curata și ingrijită, amenajata pentru cărucioare de copii sau persoane cu handicap. 9


                      Cristina, couple 04/29/2024DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      Foarte frumos!


                      Carmen, 09/12/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      aglomerat, foarte muli turisti


                      Luiza, couple 08/17/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      Insula superba


                      Geanina , 07/25/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                      Florin, family with children 07/09/2023DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      Super statiune.


                      Gligan, family with children 08/01/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                      Loredana, group of friends 07/22/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      Foarte frumos


                      Andrei, family with children 06/21/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      Costa adeje este cea mai buna de pe insula.


                      cristina, group of friends 06/13/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                      Alina, family with children 06/03/2022DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                      Gabriela, couple 08/26/2020DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      Hotelul Fanabe Costa Sur se afla in Costa adeje, o statiune foarte bine dezvoltata din punct de vedere turistic, curata, cu foarte multe facilita?i, centre comerciale, magazine de suveniruri, baruri, gelaterii, restaurante, precum si plaja amenajata cu ?ezlonguri, umbrelu?e si bar. De asemenea, statiunea ofera oportunitati pentru pasiona?ii de sporturi acvatice, dar si puncte de inchiriat masini si achizi?ionat excursii pentru explorarea insulei. In comparatie cu recunoscuta statiune Playa de las americas, statiunea Costa adeje este mai linistita, mai putin aglomerata, iar plajele sunt foarte frumos amenajate.


                      Ioana, couple 09/27/2019DIRECT BOOKING traveler


                      Daniela, family with children 06/09/2018DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      Sta?iunea foarte frumoasa cu numeroase posibilita?i de distrac?ie.


                      Veselu, group of friends 01/14/2018

                      are o promenada frumoasa de pe care se poate admira apusul de soare in toata splendoarea lui


                      Cornel, group of friends 09/06/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      Statiune foarte frumoasa, recomand


                      Mihai, couple 07/19/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      Zona turistica, de sud, din tenerife s-a aglomerat foarte mult, fata de acum 7 ani cand am fost noi ultima oara. De aceea, daca atunci, as fi recomandat sa inchiriezi o masina, acum e foatre greu cu gasitului unui loc de parcare, singura optiune fiind parcarile cu plata. In schimb transportul in comun este foarte bun. Decat sa mancati la hotel (in afara de mic dejun) mai bine incercati alte restaurante, sunt extraordinar de multe. Incercati sa nu ma avantati la toate excursiile oferite. Personal recomandam o excursie cu barca, care dureaza o zi, la los Gigantes, o excursie pe vulcanul teide, si poate o insula (lanzarote sau la gomera). De asemenea exista 2 zone unde se face surfing si kitesurfing. si unde se organizeaza lectii gratuite. Paragliding iar este o optiune, excursii de pescuit etc. Daca vreti sa cumprati produse de lux, bijuterii sau ceasuri, incercati sa mergeti la magazinele mari, si aveti in vedere ca se poate negocia (mai ales pentru produse de minim 1000 de euro). Din punctul meu de vedere, in afara de cele 5 ore petrecute pe drum, este o optiune mult mai ok decat turcia de exemplu.


                      SIMONA, couple 06/27/2017DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      EXtREM DE FRUMOSaSa StatIUNEa


                      Botezatu, couple 07/18/2016DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      Zona linistita. Hotelul este plasat cam la jumatatea distantei intre Los Cristianos si Costa adeje. Pentru cine vrea mai multa agitatie, e ceva de mers pana in cele doua. In zona doar restaurante, terase, baruri si un centru comercial micut in care este un supermarket Mercadona.. Comert mai mult India, Pakistan, China. Nu se compara cu ceea ce gasesti in Colon si Los Cristianos. Plaja foarte frumoasa cu nisip in apa.


                      IRINEL, couple 07/06/2016DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      Statiunea arata bine, gasesti tot ce vrei, magazine, baruri, restaurante etc. Preturile ca in Romania si la unele produse chiar mai scumpe, nu am vazut diferente de pret avand in vedere ca insula ar fi scutita de taxe.


                      SB, group of friends 06/19/2016DIRECT BOOKING traveler

                      We could not find any landmarks according to your specifications
                      The information and photos from the presentation of the resorts are informative. We continuously to maintain the accuracy and timeliness of the information but do not guarantee that the information is complete or error-free.