About Costa Calma - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Costa Calma is a popular resort on the island of Fuerteventura, which is part of the Canary Islands, is a vast bay, having a length of about 1.5 km.
In the 1970s, there began to be placed first hotels, restaurants and shops.
Tourists come to leave here particularly appreciate the fine sandy beach and light, shaped by strong winds for this reason, there is always place for wind surfing championships.
To the south, you can walk along the beach about 21 km from Morro Jable. In the north, the beach is limited to the black rocks that seem to come from the sea.
Hotels and apartments are just behind the beach without being separated by a road or a promenade.
Most guests are young couples or families with children who chose Costa Calma as it is a very relaxing place with plenty of attractions for all tastes.
The beach of Costa Calma is suitable for children because there are rarely big waves. It also can be done nude.
Costa Calma each year attracts thousands of visitors due to the sandy beaches and ideal conditions for windsurfing.
Nightlife is not very active here, but there are several bars and pubs where you can spend some pleasant hours.
Costa Calma has many cafes, bars and restaurants offering a wide range of food that caters to all tastes.
Costa Calma | Costa Calma is a popular resort on the island of Fuerteventura, which is part of the Canary Islands, is a vast bay, having a length of about 1.5 km.
In the 1970s, there began to be placed first hotels, restaurants and shops
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