About Costa Tropical - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
The main cities of Costa Tropical are Motril and Almuñécar. Motril is mainly a manufacturing and agricultural center (horticulture, vegetables, tropical fruit and some sugar cane, although the latter is declining).
Motril also has a small seaport. Almuñécar is primarily a resort town and agricultural center (tropical fruits) with summer holiday-time population more than tripling the city's population.
East of Málaga is dry and lush than the surrounding areas. This is because the Sierra Nevada mountain range that serves as a backdrop for Costa Tropical rain grip and therefore provide the area with copious irrigation.
The same context mountain offers shelter northerlies and creates a pleasant microclimate of very mild winters and moderate summers compared with the interior of Spain, with temperature differences of 10 ° C (18 ° F) in relation to the area on the other side of mountains - so it could be 38 ° C (100 ° F) in a summer day in the city of Granada and only 28 ° C (82 ° F) on the Costa Tropical.
In winter, it can be snowing Granada and 10 ° C (50 ° F) on the Costa Tropical.
Costa Tropical | Costa Tropical (Spanish pronunciation: [Kosta tɾopikal], "Tropical Coast") is a comarca in southern Spain, which corresponds to the Mediterranean coast of Granada province, Andalusia. It is also less frequently but called Costa de Granada or Costa Granadina
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