About Cullera - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Cullera recieved a rating of 4.3 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Cullera, Valencia Region
Cullera is in an undeniably beautiful setting, there are plenty of natural wonders to see in the area, including the Albufera Area National Park which is surrounded by citrus trees with oranges, tangerines and lemons.
The huge bay of Bahía de los Naranjos stretches south, sheltering the popular beaches of Racó, Santa Marta and San Antonio. In addition to the splendid facilities, on the beaches of Cullera you can practice spores such as windsurfing or boat rental to go to Peña del Moro - an ideal place for diving. The beaches beyond the river estuary offer calm waters and are less crowded.
In Cullera tourists stroll between the more urban, more crowded beaches, such as San Antonio and Racó, spacious, quiet beaches, such as La Escollera, other semi-developed beaches with fine, golden sands, ideal for families, such as Marenyet and Brosquil, beaches for water sports, such as Cap Blanc, for snorkelling, such as El Faro or beaches with dunes, such as El Dosel.
The gastronomy of Cullera is open to all tastes as tourists can try delicious rice and seafood dishes, including the famous vegetable paella and seafood.
Cullera | Cullera embraces the Mediterranean Sea at the end of the Iberian Mountain, located on the banks of the Júcar River. The historical parts of the city are to the south, while the tourist district is to the east
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