About Estepona - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Estepona recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Estepona, Costa Del Sol
The mountains shelter Bermeja, Estepona is a major tourist center situated on the Costa del Sol, Malaga Province.
Estepona is renowned for its beaches which stretch for 21 km from the coast.
It has two beaches awarded Blue Steg, a marina with many bars and restaurants and a city of white houses and picturesque squares. Five minutes west of the port of Playa de Cristo is a small bay with a lifeguard and two barulete. La Rada beach is located two minutes east of the port and has a length of 1.5 km.
History of Estepona forward until Roman times. Nearby are the ruins of the aqueduct Salduba, hundreds of years old.
The old town has preserved the atmosphere of old Andalusian. Here are the ruins of an ancient fortress and a medieval watchtower.
We also have the opportunity to visit the port in just few minutes walk from downtown and walk the narrow streets full of shops.
Estepona, the farthest resort from the airport, located 68 km from it, is practically glued to Marbella, offering, in general, accommodation and services in higher category hotels.
It is also the closest resort to Gibraltar and Tarifa - Gibraltar Strait crossing port for tourists wishing to visit the North African city of Tangier.
Most restaurants are located near the seafront, either along the main promenade adjacent or along Calle Real.
Fast-food restaurants are also present, but are not as numerous as in other European cities. There is a McDonald's restaurant at the edge of town, near Carrefour, and a small Burger King located along the main embankment.
Estepona | The mountains shelter Bermeja, Estepona is a major tourist center situated on the Costa del Sol, Malaga Province.
Estepona is renowned for its beaches which stretch for 21 km from the coast.
It has two beaches awarded Blue Steg, a marina with many bars and restaurants and a city of white houses and picturesque squares
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