About Fuengirola - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Fuengirola recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (6 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Fuengirola, Costa Del Sol
Is one of the towns of Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol, located 29km from Malaga.
Fuengirola offers stunning beaches, full of flavor Andalusian golf courses, equestrian centers, parks, hotels, restaurants and cultural events.
The resort has managed to preserve many artifacts left by ancient inhabitants as well as Roman baths, the villa Romanian or Arabic castle Sohail.
Fuengirola town center is dominated by nineteenth-century Constitution Square, where the church Nuestra Senor del Rosario.
On top of a hill near the town at the mouth of the river Fuengirola, Sohail is his castle, built by Abd al-Rahman III in the tenth century and which still keeps the original paintings.
Beside the castle is the remains of a Phoenician settlement VI-III century BC Ancient Roman remains and sites appear Finca del Secretaruio and Torreblanca, where there was a Romanian and a bathroom Visigothic necropolis.
Fuengirola has a lovely zoo where young and old alike will enjoy. Visit one or all of the attractions Selwo, Selwo Aventura Marina or Teleférico Selwo (Cable Car), Tivoli World, full of attractions and shows. These are just some of the activities the area has to offer.
Weather in Fuengirola is excellent. City enjoys more than 2,800 hours of sunshine each year, with an average annual temperature of 19.3 degrees Celsius.
Whatever your age, young or old, Fuengirola has something to offer everyone. Whether it's adrenaline or a coastal cruise, resort is to ensure your holiday with a totally memorable.
Fuengirola | Is one of the towns of Fuengirola on the Costa del Sol, located 29km from Malaga.
Fuengirola offers stunning beaches, full of flavor Andalusian golf courses, equestrian centers, parks, hotels, restaurants and cultural events
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