About Gijon - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Gijon is a city in the autonomous region of Asturias, northern Spain. It has a population of 276,000 inhabitants and is located on the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula.
It was founded in the 5th century BC, at that time bearing the name "Gigi."
Commercial port city of Gijon is called "El Musel. There is also a small port for pleasure craft and not more than nine beaches along its extensive coastline. One of the largest and most notable beaches is "San Lorenzo".
Gijon City Centre is like a amfitatru is bounded by San Lorenzo, the main town beach. Besides this, we can discover beaches and El Poniente El Arbeyal Rinconín, Peñarrubia, serine, and Nora Cagonera La La on the border with Villaviciosa.
Unlike other cities in northern Spain, Gijon has an extensive history combined with modern elements which makes the number of tourists who are passionate about culture and heritage to be increasingly higher.
Here meet beautiful beaches and a marina yacht lovers.
Near the town is also famous ski resort in the Spanish-Valgrande Pajares, which is the main attraction for tourists in the winter.
In Gijon you will find many bars and cafes and you'll also find many restaurants serving international cuisine.
Late spring and early summer are the best times of year to visit the city.
Gijon | Gijon is a city in the autonomous region of Asturias, northern Spain. It has a population of 276,000 inhabitants and is located on the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula.
It was founded in the 5th century BC, at that time bearing the name "Gigi
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