About Gomera - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Island of Gomera is the second smallest of the Canary Islands arhipelacul.
Gomer is characterized by the central mountain massif with a height of 1.487m. Garajonay Alto area was declared a National Park. The volcanic origin and an alternate vegetation, steep valleys shows terraces offering unforgettable views.
Little rain forest is a paradise for naturalists and explorers, but if you want to venture inside the island, we recommend a guide. Sunny areas in the south, the rocks of arid and arid farm, grow vegetables in sour, vines and fruit, along with great scenery, is the charm of this island.
Of particular interest it shows people with deep historical roots and traditions of the original. Residents tend to communicate with each other on a hill in a language with powerful sound to be heard. This custom dates back to Roman times.
La Gomera is a truly unique island, a world where everything is very interesting, precipices, steep slopes, volcanic rocks and impressive fortresses. It is worthwhile to explore its majestic landscape and enjoy the hospitality of the locals, who are known to receive their guests with warmth and friendship.
Gomera | Island of Gomera is the second smallest of the Canary Islands arhipelacul.
Gomer is characterized by the central mountain massif with a height of 1.487m. Garajonay Alto area was declared a National Park
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