About Guipuzcoa - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
It borders the French department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques to the north, east Navarre, Vizcaya west, southwest and north Bay of Biscay Álava.
It is located at the eastern end of the Cantabrian Sea, the Bay of Biscay, between 42 ° 53 '10 "and 43 ° 23 '45" north latitude and between 1 ° 43 '45 "and 2 36 '7" W Greenwich. It has 66 km of coastline.
Atlantic climate offers an intense green color to this land with minimal temperature variation, while the blue color of the Cantabrian Sea offers an attractive landscape for tourists.
Guipúzcoa is Basque territory, where the Basque mairăspândită population.
Guipuzcoa | Guipúzcoa (in Basque Gipuzkoa) is a province of northern Spain, in Euskadi. Its capital is San Sebastian (Donostia in Basque).
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