About Huesca - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Huesca is the capital city of the Spanish province of Huesca, Aragon autonomous community belonging. Exercising at the same time, the status of capital of the region of Huesca that belongs Hoya or municipality. It is located in northern Spain, specifically in Ebrului Valley, along the river Isuela in front of the Pyrenees mountains outer slopes.
The ancient Iberians, Romans occupied the region before the arrival. The city finds mention of the coins issued in the second century BC, called Bolsken. Osca century BC Romans city was already a fully Romanized. Hispaniei capital was high in the category of municipality by Augustus in 30 BC
Following the invasion period of Visigoth and Arab Osca is controlled by Muslims, who call Wasqa. Transformed into border north to the Christian kingdoms were persistent attempts to siege the city, the citadel forced to become a first-line military base. In 1094 King Christian Sancho Ramirez tried to conquer the city built the castle Montearagon. King died pierced by an arrow while climbing the wall of the fortress city. In spring 1096 the Christian army led by King Pedro I Huesca isolated from the world for three months, thus managing to starve. The city was later conquered by King Pedro I, Batalla de los Llanos called battle of Alcoraz, name given under any future agreement between Muslims and Christians.
Huesca | Huesca is the capital city of the Spanish province of Huesca, Aragon autonomous community belonging. Exercising at the same time, the status of capital of the region of Huesca that belongs Hoya or municipality
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