About Irun - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Irún is a town in the Basque Country in Spain, even the French border. Bidassoa River is located near the Atlantic coast of the Sea.
Location of the city near the border was an important commercial center and road and rail junction.
Currently, it is considered that the locality of the city survived the Roman Oiasso.
City fame comes from the fact that the transfer point for travelers from France to Madrid and other Spanish cities.
Often ignored by tourists Irún is that changing the train pass over it quickly.
The city has a population of 55,200 and is a commercial and industrial (production of paper and leather products).
An important tourist attraction is Santa Maria del Junkie, which has been under constant renovation. Huge shrine at the center of the church which is an element of utmost importance.
Hermitage of Santa Elena, located at the top of a Roman necropolis, and the Museum Plaza Urdanibia Ama Xantalen are some of the goals that you can visit here.
Sports such as golf, horse riding and canoeing are some sports that you can practice during standstill in Irun.
After sightseeing in this area and explore the nearby towns, which are easily accessible from Irun, because it is very near the border with France.
Irun | Irún is a town in the Basque Country in Spain, even the French border. Bidassoa River is located near the Atlantic coast of the Sea.
Location of the city near the border was an important commercial center and road and rail junction
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