About Isla - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Isla is a charming resort town of Arnuero near the provincial capital.
It is a coastal city that offers visitors everything needed for a perfect holiday: beautiful landscapes, natural surroundings, sandy beaches, tourist amenities and endless entertainment options. Being a peninsula between the estuaries Castellano, Quejo and Cantabrian Sea has a coastline of great beauty, with beaches of sand, small bays, with impressive cliffs overlooking the Cantabrian Sea and, meadows high green mountains and hills, etc..
The island also has a historical and artistic heritage of great importance. Seventeenth-century parish church built in baroque unua of the most beautiful in the region, both for its architecture as for its artistic content.
Isla | Isla is a charming resort town of Arnuero near the provincial capital.
It is a coastal city that offers visitors everything needed for a perfect holiday: beautiful landscapes, natural surroundings, sandy beaches, tourist amenities and endless entertainment options
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