About Jerez De La Frontera - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Jerez de la Frontera is a town in the Spanish province of Cadiz, in the autonomous community of Andalusia. The most populous urban center in the province and the fifth in Andalucia. It is located in the south of the Iberian peninsula, about 15 km from the Atlantic Ocean and 100 km from Gibraltar Strait.
Located in a central location and good connections with the rest of the province, has become the communications hub and one of logistics and transportation centers of western Andalusia. The size and growth potential have provided a greater economic dynamism than the capital. It is internationally known for the eponymous wine, which is located in an area suitable for agriculture and animal husbandry.
Metropolitan area to deal with 1188.14 km ², stretching out on the river Guadalquivir. It also includes a broad expanse of the Natural Park Sierra de Gibalbín Acornocales and known as the Montes de Propio de Jerez.
In the area, attesting to the presence of higher Neolithic human, not the first indigenous identity is very clear, but the first major settlement is attributed to the inhabitants of Tartessos protohistorica around the third millennium BC
Andaluza capital was a thriving kingdom of his own, who joined the Almohad Empire and later the Crown of Castile, in 1264. The discovery of America and the conquest of Granada in 1492, made the Jerez is one of the most prosperous cities in Andalusia, thanks to trade and its proximity to the ports of Seville and Cadiz.
Jerez De La Frontera | Jerez de la Frontera is a town in the Spanish province of Cadiz, in the autonomous community of Andalusia. The most populous urban center in the province and the fifth in Andalucia. It is located in the south of the Iberian peninsula, about 15 km from
the Atlantic Ocean and 100 km from Gibraltar Strait
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