About La Linea de la Concepcion - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
La Linea De La Concepcion recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about La Linea de la Concepcion, Andalusia
La Línea de la Concepció is a municipality in. Cádiz province, Andalusia, Spain with a population of 60,951 inhabitants.
The coastal city La Línea de la Concepcion - more simply known as "La Línea" (care may be "border line" in Spanish), is often referred to as the "Gateway to Gibraltar".
The line is 14 kilometers from the beach: Levante Beach, La Atunara Beach, La Alcaidesa, La Hacienda Beach, Poniente Beach, Santa Barbara Beach, El Burgo Sobrevela, Portichuelos, Torrenueva Beach.
I have a subtropical warm summer Mediterranean climate with moderate winters and very hot summers. Summer is the driest season, and winter is the driest season. The average annual temperature is 18C.
La Linea de la Concepcion | La Línea de la Concepció is a municipality in. Cádiz province, Andalusia, Spain with a population of 60,951 inhabitants.
The coastal city La Línea de la Concepcion - more simply known as "La Línea" (care may be "border line" in Spanish), is often referred to as the "Gateway to Gibraltar"
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