About La Palma Island Insulele Canare - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Palma Island is known as La Isla Bonita (beautiful island) or Isla Verde (Green Island) and indeed is the greenest island in the Canaries archipelago. From forests to steep cliffs that hide the black sand beaches, the island has surprises at every turn.
Declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO, the island has more protected areas, and inside you'll find the Taburiente National Park Caldera. Volcanic lava that has drained into the ocean created a low rocky coast with many hidden coves.
In La Palma there are many monuments and monasteries, churches and museums.
Probably the most famous is the historic town of Santa Cruz de la Palma. You have the opportunity to observe local traditions and, in occasions like Carnival Nabob and every five years, parties of five years, which honors the Virgen de las Nieves. Crafted clothing, cigars, candy and cheese are part of the home range of the island.
Unlike the other Canary islands, La Palma does not depend on the tourism industry, so you will not find here luxury hotels and crowded cities everywhere. But you will find excellent restaurants, interesting places, villages and Spanish beaches.
The island is suitable for independent travelers who seek destinations with virgin landscapes and interesting history.
La Palma Island Insulele Canare | Palma Island is known as La Isla Bonita (beautiful island) or Isla Verde (Green Island) and indeed is the greenest island in the Canaries archipelago. From forests to steep cliffs that hide the black sand beaches, the island has surprises at every turn
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