About Llanes - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Llanes is the administrative district of the province of Asturias, in northern Spain, stretching for about 30 km along the coast at the extreme east of the province.
Llanes has the appearance of a historic town. Not for nothing has its historic quarter been declared a Historic-Artistic Site and it preserves major examples of civil, religious and military architecture. The San Pedro walk, San Antón, the river Carrocedo and the port are the focal points of town life in Llanes, in former times a major fishing and whaling port.
Among other historic structures, it has more than 300 metres of pre-Romanesque wall from the 13th century; the Castle Tower, which is now the site of the Tourist Office; the basilica of Santa María del Conceyu, which was started in the mid-12th century; the palaces of Gaztañaga and of the Dukes of Estrada and the old house of Posada Herrera, today made into a Muncipal Arts Centre.
Llanes also has magnificent beaches, like those of San Antolín, Torimbia, Barro, Celorio, Poo, Sablón and Toró. Those who enjoy being out of doors and in nature can take a gentle ramble along the San Pedro walk, which runs for more than 800 metres along the cliff top and which, at the same time, serves as a watchtower over the town and the Cantabrian Sea.
Llanes | Llanes is the administrative district of the province of Asturias, in northern Spain, stretching for about 30 km along the coast at the extreme east of the province.
Llanes has the appearance of a historic town
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