About Madrid - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Madrid recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (12 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Madrid, Community of Madrid
Madrid is not only the capital but also capital of the province and autonomous community of Madrid.
Important points include the famous cultural and tourist Prado Museum, Thyssen Bornemisza Museum, Reina Sofia Art Center (where Pablo Picasso's Guernica is), Cason del Buen Retiro, the Royal Palace, the Templo Debod, Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales, the Puerta del Sol , Parque de Retiro, and Chueca, the gay district.
Madrid is administratively divided into 21 districts, which in turn in different neighborhoods.
Other nearby towns are popular for day trips from Madrid, including Toledo, Segovia, Ávila, Aranjuez, Alcalá de Henares, the monastery and palace complex of El Escorial and Santa Cruz del Valle de los caída.
Madrid is known for its night life and its dance. For Madrid it is not uncommon to dance all night, then morning to go to work. The night life called "the movida, flourished after the death of Franco.
Madrid Barajas International Airport is served. Despite the town's population of about four million (Madrid or Madrid) madrilenian subway is one of the most extensive and rapidly growing networks in the world underground.
Escorialul monastery in Madrid in 1984 were included in the UNESCO world cultural heritage list.
In central Madrid, the Plaza de Castilla, is four skyscrapers with heights ranging between 250 and 236 meters.
Although not yet found human fossils were discovered more tools, especially around Arganda del Rey and Manzanares, proving the existence of human communities in the river terraces, at the current location of the city.
Conquest, colonization and pacification of the Iberian peninsula, made the Roman Empire lasted almost 200 years of the Second Punic War until 27 BC, when peace took place north of the peninsula, and its organization into three provinces. Region of Madrid is part of today's match Tarraconensis.
Although it is possible that during the Roman domination, the territory was occupied by only Madrid rural settlements, taking advantage of the situation as a center of communication and resource wealth, there is evidence suggesting the existence of a settlement town, around the coast road and river Segoviei Manzanares. Recently it was discovered a Visigoth basilica, near the church Santa Maria de la Almudena. The existence of a sedentary population in Madrid is supported by two Visigothic necropolis of ancient colony of Vallellano Count. In the old medieval city center has found a stone inscribed with the legend "MIN.N. BOKATUS. INDIGNVS. PRS. IMO / ET Tertio. Regno. DOMNO. RVD. / MI. REGVM. ERA DCCXXXV ", whose meaning is unclear, but suggests the existence of a stable population since the seventh century.
Madrid | Madrid is not only the capital but also capital of the province and autonomous community of Madrid.
Important points include the famous cultural and tourist Prado Museum, Thyssen Bornemisza Museum, Reina Sofia Art Center (where Pablo Picasso's Guernica is), Cason del Buen Retiro, the Royal Palace, the Templo Debod, Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales, the
Puerta del Sol , Parque de Retiro, and Chueca, the gay district
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