About Malgrat De Mar - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Malgrat De Mar recieved a rating of 4.2 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (5 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Malgrat De Mar, Costa Brava
Malgrat de Mar is a typical Mediterranean resort located at the southern end of Costa Brava, 61km from Barcelona. The main attraction is the beach resort, divided by small cliffs and coves.
Malgrat de Mar has some fine sandy beaches and water sports facilities. L Astillero Beach Hotel serves the main area, so it is often crowded. Tordera, however, is the largest and least crowded beach in Malgrat de Mar, but the waves can be dangerous.
Nightlife in Malgrat de Mar is quite lively, though not overwhelming, with several discos and clubs. The beach is a pleasant promenade with many bars and restaurants. The best restaurants, however, lies in the old city, which has a little square and attractive gardens. For more variety, you can tour the nearby resorts of Santa Susanna, Calella and Blanes.
Malgrat de Mar was born "officially" in 1373, under the name of Palafolls Vilanova. It appears that the origins are even older settlement. In the Roman ruins were discovered dating from 200 BC Town's rich history can be seen in old buildings and the castle on the hill, and St. Nicholas church - the largest cathedral on the coast.
Malgrat De Mar | Malgrat de Mar is a typical Mediterranean resort located at the southern end of Costa Brava, 61km from Barcelona. The main attraction is the beach resort, divided by small cliffs and coves.
Malgrat de Mar has some fine sandy beaches and water sports facilities
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