About Marbella - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Marbella recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (5 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Marbella, Costa Del Sol
Marbella is the most famous resort on the Costa del Sol and a wonderful city that offers its visitors a typical Andalusian charm, with narrow streets and dazzling white houses.
Marbella is also a cosmopolitan city that excels in luxury accommodations and golf courses.
It is undoubtedly one of the most important tourist centers of the Coast del Sol (Spain), due to the exceptional quality of infrastructure and the services they offer. Port Banus, surrounded by residential areas, one of the main centers of tourist attraction, hosts an exclusive recreation area
The main beaches in Marbella are El Fuerte and La Fontanilla, other beaches are more remote and less accessible.
Nightspots in the resort attracts the largest number of tourists in southern Spain, and La Notte Valerie and Olivia are among the most modern, stylish clubs offering live music.
The historical part of town, situated in a beautiful bay, shelters typically Andalusian-air areas, with houses painted orange and decorated its streets and markets.
Also in the historic center of Marbella have drinks available with traditional shops and taverns offer a variety of culinary dishes and traditional wines. Flamenco Ana María Tablao is the best flamenco club in the resort and also an authentic Spanish location.
Marbella | Marbella is the most famous resort on the Costa del Sol and a wonderful city that offers its visitors a typical Andalusian charm, with narrow streets and dazzling white houses.
Marbella is also a cosmopolitan city that excels in luxury accommodations and golf courses
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