About Mazagon - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
When you arrive by boat at 7 am, it is quiet. The city extends from the sea port up into the hills and mountains behind it and is crowned by an enormous castle whose foundations were laid during the reign of Justinian on the ruins of old fortifications.
This castle is surrounded by a pine forest, which reaches up to the shore and the public beach. In summer, the castle is used for performances by groups of musicians travel, theater, opera and music and art festivals.
In fact, this is one of the best places to hear a concert in Greece. The castle is well worth a trip and a walk around the headland will give you a whole new perspective of the city, because it is like being in the wilderness with horses and donkeys grazing on hills that lead up to the fort.
If you continue to the back of the old town will come to brothels and the Old Port where there are several fortresses and ancient ruins.
Mazagon | Like other major cities Mytilini is built on seven hills and is full of history. Mytilini is actually one of the most culturally enlightened cities in Greece, probably due to its proximity to the coast of Asia Minor, where the ancient Greeks flourished
until 1922 when they were forcibly evicted by the Turks
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