About Palmanova - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Palma Nova recieved a rating of 4.8 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (2 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Palmanova, Mallorca
Palma Nova is a city on the island of Mallorca and a sea resort in the Bay of Palma.
Due to special charm, this place was chosen for the construction of the first summer residences and villas outside the city in 1935 in Calvia region.
At that time it was decided that the area be renamed, the former name is Son Potassium.
During the civil war in Spain and isolation that followed, the resort development has been suspended and renewed until about 1960, but already I had at the garden-city concept, as conceived from the outset. The first hotels opened here in 1957 and 1959.
The biggest attraction of Palma Nova is, of course, to sea shore, which are concentrated along a lot of hotels, apartments and private homes.
A broad green alleys become a favorite ride for all tourists who come here. The beaches are very wide, up to 60 m.
Palmanova has three beaches and a promenade that goes to the resort of Magaluf.
Main Beach, Palma Nova stretches for 500 meters and has various possibilities for active leisure, bars, restaurants, water sports center, rent a car to
The beach near the Nautical Club is called "Es Carregador. The middle beach is called Playa de Palmanova and Magaluf near the beach is called "Son but mostly.
White sand beaches contrasting with the blue sea of warm water invites you to take a bath. There are a wide range of sports facilities, from skiing to surfing and diving and fishing. Near the beach promenade area has many bars and some excellent restaurants.
In the area there are two water parks. One of them is called Western Park and its wild west theme and the other has some slides that are not for the faint of heart.
Also you should not miss Fantasia Golf. Here you have three 18-hole golf courses, located in a fun setting, with gardens, caves and waterfalls.
Palmanova | Palma Nova is a city on the island of Mallorca and a sea resort in the Bay of Palma.
Due to special charm, this place was chosen for the construction of the first summer residences and villas outside the city in 1935 in Calvia region
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