About Playa De La Arena - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Near Los Gigantes, giant cliffs of the resort can be seen around Playa De La Arena (translation: "Beach sand", ie sandy beach). The resort has many restaurants, bars and shops mainly for tourists.
The main business is tourism Playa de la Arena. Playa is entirely, natural sand, volcanic black.
The beach is one of the cleanest on the island, and was awarded the European Blue Flag for cleanliness for many years running.
Playa de la Arena receives thousands of tourists a year, mainly from Spain and Britain, but also in Germany and Netherlands.Acolo are three main hotels in Playa De La Arena, Playa La Arena are, which can be seen from the city's main Varadero Barcelo and Bahia Flamingo.
Playa De La Arena | Playa de la Arena is a resort town south of Los Gigantes and resorts in Puerto Santiago del Teide Santiago in the city on the west coast of Tenerife, Spain.
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