About Playa De Taurito - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Playa De Taurito recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (1 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Playa De Taurito, Gran Canaria
The resort is situated between Playa de Taurito Playa del Cura and Puerto Mogán, just an hour from the airport of Las Palmas.
It is a tourist resort located on the southwest coast around a bay.
The centerpiece of the resort of Playa de Taurito is a swimming pool.
Playa Taurito is a wonderful location for a vacation with fine sand.
64% of the island is considered by UNESCO biosphere reserve.
There is a great network of trails along the island, you can explore on foot or by bicycle.
You can even see whales and dolphins in their natural habitat, off the south coast of the island.
Besides climate ideal holiday sea and Playa de Taurito is a warm place and primitor.Turistii, mostly northern Europeans are very attracted to the island dominated by lush exotic vegetation, many palm trees, sandy beaches and transparent water-white and crystal Atlantic Ocean.
In aproapierea beach found plenty of cafes, restaurants, shops and bars.
Also close to Puerto Rico you can enjoy water sports and activities, including fishing, jet skiing, diving and boat trips.
Playa De Taurito | The resort is situated between Playa de Taurito Playa del Cura and Puerto Mogán, just an hour from the airport of Las Palmas.
It is a tourist resort located on the southwest coast around a bay
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