About Playa Del Ingles - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Playa Del Ingles recieved a rating of 4 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (4 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Playa Del Ingles, Gran Canaria
Playa del Inglés (Spanish for "Englishman's Beach") is a city on the south coast of Gran Canaria and is one of the most popular and largest resorts.
If you are in search of monuments and other cultural attractions, Playa del Inglés is just right place to be able to find them.
However, spiritual needs, there Ecuménico Templo de San Salvador, an ecumenical church that provides services in three different languages.
When you tired of sitting at the beach you can walk on the Paseo Costa Canaria, an alley lined with lush tropical flora and luxury villas.
Beyond the beach are sand dunes, which are specific to the island.
On the beach are sunbeds and umbrellas available to customers, but no opportunity for water sports: jet skiing, windsurfing and boating.
Also there are lots of possibilities for leisure: mini-golf, tennis, golf, scuba diving, skydiving, water parks, riding.
Tourists have different categories of hotels that meet all claims.
In Playa del Ingles are several shopping malls or entertainment such as: Quote, Jumbo, Kasbah and Metro.
Travel by bus from the airport takes about 45 minutes.
The key word for this city is the diversity, because most tourist attractions (beaches, nightclubs, bars, restaurants) can be visited by families with children and adults.
It is very hot and dry in Playa del Ingles, with very little precipitation. Average summer temperatures are around 28 ° C in August and September, in January and February reaching over 22 ° C. Rain usually falls during December-February. In summer you will receive approximately 12 hours of sun per day.
Playa Del Ingles | Playa del Inglés (Spanish for "Englishman's Beach") is a city on the south coast of Gran Canaria and is one of the most popular and largest resorts.
If you are in search of monuments and other cultural attractions, Playa del Inglés is just right place to be able to find them
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