About Playas De Jandia - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Playas de Jandia Fuerteventura is a unique and wide sandy beaches.
Playas de Jandia is an attraction because of the surrounding dunes and also because of the sandy shore which is about 50 m from the beach itself and has a length of 200-250 m.
In the center there is a massive Betancur rate of 762 m maximum peak Atalaya.
In the south lies the small island and peninsula Jandia tip Pared Zarza 812 m altitude. This is the highest peak on the island.
Most tourists who come to Playas de Jandia, are of German nationality and this is reflected in a higher percentage of restaurants and bars with german. There are plenty of bars and restaurants with cuisine Spanish one or two British, but international dishes are less.
Playas De Jandia | Playas de Jandia Fuerteventura is a unique and wide sandy beaches.
Playas de Jandia is an attraction because of the surrounding dunes and also because of the sandy shore which is about 50 m from the beach itself and has a length of 200-250 m
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