About Puerto D.Santa Maria - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
El Puerto de Santa Maria is a town in the province of Cadiz, Andalusia. The town of El Puerto de Santa María is 10 km north east of Cádiz across the bay of Cádiz and is best known for having been the port from which Columbus sailed on his second voyage to the Americas.
El Puerto de Santa María is a picturesque and lively Spanish town situated on the Costa de la Luz, 20 minutes across the bay from Cádiz. It is located around the mouth of the river Guadalete. There are 22 km. of Atlantic coastline around the town, with 8 beaches of fine golden sand. This coastline is known as Costa de la Luz because of the unusually clear and intense quality of the light.
The town is an important fishing port with a number of historic buildings including the Castle where Christopher Columbus stayed, a palm lined alameda, a maze of narrow bustling streets, a lively central market and a busy shopping and commercial area.
Puerto Sherry is located on Muralla Beach (named after the old city walls which still stand at the western end of the beach). It has a large marina and is a delightful place for a stroll or to sit in a seafront bar and enjoy the view across e bay and out to the Atlantic.
Puerto D.Santa Maria | El Puerto de Santa Maria is a town in the province of Cadiz, Andalusia. The town of El Puerto de Santa María is 10 km north east of Cádiz across the bay of Cádiz and is best known for having been the port from which Columbus sailed on his second voyage
to the Americas
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