About Puerto De La Cruz - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Puerto De La Cruz recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (21 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife Island
It is located on the north coast, 4 km (2 mi) northwest of La Orotava, and 30 km (19 mi) west of Tenerife. TF-5 Highway passing through the city. Spanish residents are known as Portuenses. With an area of 8.73 km2 (3 m² MI) is the smallest municipality in Tenerife.
The population is 28929 (2013) [1]. Share of downtown is 9 m (30 ft) AMSL. The highest point is Las Arenas, a volcanic cone with an elevation of 249 m (817 ft).
Puerto de la Cruz occupies a prominent place in the history of tourism in the islands. Export economy established by European settlers, in the 15th century after the conquest of commercial and passenger movements generated large for decades. The first foreign visitors quickly felt drawn to the beneficial qualities weather Taoro Valley.
The origins of the city dates back to the 16th century. There in 1502 as a coastal port and the center of La Orotava dependent population. In 1603 they built a church and its corresponding square.
Puerto De La Cruz | Puerto de la Cruz is a town and municipality in the north of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. It was previously known by its English translation, "Port of the Cross", although nowadays it is known by its name in every language Spanish
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