About Puerto De Mazarron - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Piron 6 km from Mazarrón, specifically in the coastal zone of the Mediterranean, in a coastal plain that ends the formation of the Gulf of Mazarrón, which is limited Tiñoso and Cope heads.
A mild Mediterranean climate, with high temperatures in summer and moderate during the rest of the year, as well as extensive line of beaches, coves and cliffs make of Port of Mazarrón one of the tourist destinations of Costa Calida Murcia so-called.
Puerto de Mazarrón is in the municipality of Mazarrón, bordering the municipalities of Cartagena and Fuente Alamo to the east of Alhama de Murcia with Totana to the north and west of Lorca and South Mediterranean.
The municipality as a whole has an area of 318.7 km square and a population of about 35,000 inhabitants.
Puerto De Mazarron | Puerto de Mazarrón is a town in the municipality of Mazarrón in Murcia, Spain.
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