About Puerto Rico - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Puerto Rico has a rich history , pristine white sandy beaches and forested mountains , and the friendly, relaxed atmosphere . Puerto Rico consists of several islands and keys; Puerto Rico Island is the largest island and the main hub .
Explore Puerto Rico fascinating indigenous cultural past and is in the neighborhood of San Juan San Juan , the capital of the northern coast of the island of Puerto Rican located . Main attractions include the historic El Morro ( Castillo San Felipe del Morro ) and Fort San Jeronimo ( Fortin San Gerónimo of Baquerón ) . To learn more about local contemporary culture , visit the American Museum ( Museo de las Americas ) and Puerto Rico Art Museum ( Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico ) .
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico is a rich history , white sandy beaches priest and mountainous wooded SI friendly, relaxed atmosphere . Puerto Rico is composed of several islands and keys; Puerto Rico Island is the largest island and hub - the main site
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