About Puerto Santiago - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Puerto Santiago recieved a rating of 4.5 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (3 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Puerto Santiago, Tenerife Island
Puerto Santiago Beach and Harbour of Tenerife has a small fishing port and beach. There are parts of the top, middle and bottom in the town, which makes the rather sprawling. It is a mixture of houses, hotels and apartments. As you would expect from a tourist resort, there is an assortment or bars, shops, restaurants, a post office, and nightlife. Since there are a large number of locals in the area you will find some food available in restaurants Canary excellent traditional tapas bars. Plaza Medical Center is near the small .The annual fireworks display during Fiesta in July is always spectacular.
Puerto Santiago | Directly south of the fishing village of Los Gigantes is old Puerto Santiago, which, despite extensive development, still retains an unhurried atmosphere, familiar. Puerto de Santiago is located between Playa la Arena and Los Gigantes by
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