About Punta Umbria - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Punta in its name comes from the point of time to go out to sea from the beach. During World War II, it was supposedly the place where the body of a British Major Top Secret making false documents was washed.
This was part of a disinformation exercise of the British secret service, known as Operation mince.
Odiel River meets the Atlantic Ocean, Punta Umbria Beach, a 3.8 km urban beach that has been awarded a Blue Flag for its high standards of cleanliness and excellent facilities.
Punta Umbria | Punta Umbria is a town and municipality in the province of Huelva, part of the Spanish autonomous community of Andalusia. It is a fishing village located on the banks of the river Rio Odiel and over the water in the capital, Huelva
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