About Rincon de la Victoria - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Among the findings was that Rincon de la Victoria is the municipality with the highest per capita income in the province with an income of 2054.95 million per month.
It is located in the region of La Axarquía and integrated in the metropolitan area of Malaga, 3, homónimo4 judiciary and Costa del Sol Association of Municipalities of-Axarquía.
His district covers an area of 27.5 square kilometers, stretching from the Mediterranean coast and the southern foothills of the Montes de Malaga.
With a population of 42 688 people, according to INE 2014 Rincon de la Victoria is the largest city in the province new and second in the region after Velez-Malaga. The population is concentrated in four cities, three coastal and interior.
Rincon de la Victoria | Rincon de la Victoria is a city in the province of Malaga Andalusian. The municipality with the highest welfare of the province according to the synthetic indicator of economic well-being developed by analysts of Andalusia (AEA) -to Unicaja group
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