About Ronda - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Located in a charming place on the edge of a steep, Ronda is an ancient city in central Malaga province.
The impressive city is positioned over the basin and the natural wonders of the Tagus River, is surrounded by mountains. From here you can see the Alameda del Tajo gardens and the ancient palace of the Moorish kings of Ronda.
Strategic location has enabled the city to maintain independence during several centuries, and in 1485, Ronda has become the capital of the Moorish kingdom separately. Famous for bullfighting, Ronda is considered one of the oldest arenas in Spain, and, not incidentally, there is a museum of the corrida.
In the region of Andalusia, which is found in south-west of the country, Ronda is the city with the most rapid growth in recent years, surpassing in this view of the famous names such as Cordova.
As one of the oldest cities in Spain, Ronde roots are in prehistoric times.
The cave is located near Ronde Pilet, a true relic of rural art andalusiene.
Ronda, a town in north-eastern province of Malaga, is divided into two cities, one old and one new, that are connected by a bridge.
Ronda is one of the most spectacular destinations in Spain until recently remained in semiumbra.
Ronda | Located in a charming place on the edge of a steep, Ronda is an ancient city in central Malaga province.
The impressive city is positioned over the basin and the natural wonders of the Tagus River, is surrounded by mountains
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