About Rota - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Rota is a tourist town with a population of 30,000 inhabitants, is situated in Cadiz province of Andalusia. Can be reached by boat from Cadiz and Puerto de Santa Maria and Jerez have their own stations.
Rota has a thriving fishing industry, which is the commercial activity of the area along the coast. Port Astaroth, the focus of the city was a gift from Tartesans, the oldest inhabitants of this place. In historic areas will see relics of the past, such as Luna Castillo (Castle of the month), monuments and sand dunes and pine forests, where you can spend wonderful days in this natural environment
special. The old art of fishing can be found in Corrales.
Cuisine based on fish and vegetables. Rota means sun and miles of golden sandy beaches. Costa Ballena Rota and are the best places to enjoy the holiday. Flamenco nights, shows, theater and classical music concerts mainly in the image of the Castillo de Luna andaluzian tourist town.
Rota | Rota is a tourist town with a population of 30,000 inhabitants, is situated in Cadiz province of Andalusia. Can be reached by boat from Cadiz and Puerto de Santa Maria and Jerez have their own stations
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