About Salou - presentation, information, photos and recommendations
Salou recieved a rating of 4.7 / 5 from Direct Booking customers (6 reviews during - ). Customer reviews about Salou, Costa Dorada
Salou is located in the Spanish region of Catalonia on the Costa Dorada. Salou is the undisputed capital of this coastline which is one of the Mediterranean's most popular playgrounds.
The resort is particularly favoured by British tourists, partly because of its proximity to the nearby airport of Reus which is only 15 minutes drive away. The airport handles regular charter flights from London; average flying time is just two hours. International tourists also use scheduled flights into Barcelona, about one hour's drive north of Salou.
One of the biggest attractions of Salou is of course the mega theme park, Port Aventura, which is right alongside the resort. The world-renowned Dragon Khan roller coaster, with no less than eight terrifying loop-the-loops, dominates the skyline for miles around.
The Universal Studios park is to Salou what Disneyworld is to Orlando in Florida. Many visitors centre their holiday here around daily visits to Port Aventura, which provides ample entertainment for three full days.
Salou also offers a host of other attractions not least of which are the beaches. The main beach of white sand is long and wide, shelving gently into the sea providing ideal conditions for young children. There's a second quieter beach beyond the harbour and several isolated coves around the headland of Cap Salou.
Salou | Salou is located in the Spanish region of Catalonia on the Costa Dorada. Salou is the undisputed capital of this coastline which is one of the Mediterranean's most popular playgrounds.
The resort is particularly favoured by British tourists, partly because of its proximity to the nearby airport of Reus which is only 15 minutes drive away
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